“As the titular character, we primarily follow the plot from the perspective of Lizzie Borden, played with fantastic energy by Sydney Shepherd. Lizzie is chaotic, to say the least, as she swings from fear and anger at her father to an earnest need around Alice, and Shepherd plays that range well. She has an exceptional physicality in the role, accenting the harsher rock songs with thrashing choreography, tearing at her dress and tossing her head. She shifts from hyper-fixated to an almost out-of-body spaciness that evokes Lizzie’s internal struggle with all that she has endured. I enjoyed the journey that Shepherd took us on, really digging into the shift after the act-break as Lizzie sees the light at the end of the tunnel leading up to her acquittal.” -White Birch Blog, Kiersten Bjork
“When the audience first sees Lizzie Borden, portrayed by the super Sydney Shepherd, she is wearing a period costume and a sly smile. Of course, Lizzie Borden is the central character and Sydney Shepherd plays the part with a partial wink to the audience, taking on the controversial figure and having a great time of it” -Talkin’ Broadway
“Shepherd brings the requisite rock star wail to her sound which—if you’re of a certain age—may have you reliving some of those Heart fantasies you had as a teen.” -New Haven Review
“Sydney Shepherd does amazing work in bringing the title character to life. I could not keep my eyes off her portrayal of this haunted historical character.” -Patch
“Captures the look and attitude of a woman who is fracturing at the constant abuses she receives from her home life— her transformation to the killer she becomes in the first act is laced with tradgedy and lamentation, it’s an excellent performance.” -One Man’s Opinion
“Sydney Shepherd endows Lizzie with both a touch of madness and a childlike innocence. I kept thinking of Brittany Spears.” -Two On the Aisle
"Both Sydney Shepherd and her co-star Adrian Blake Enscoe are swoonworthy young dreamboats" - YesBroadway
"Sydney Shepherd is Agnes (and Gretchen the tour guide) the girl that brings Jasper to Deadland. Her voice rocks! A woman who is obviously seasoned and talented delivers a very enjoyable performance, the role of Agnes. She handles the songs well letting her voice do the work and sends the lyrics throughout the theatre. Ms. Shepherd allows Agnes to feel a range of in-your-face-attitude to endearment to Jasper recognizing their shared love." -Eric Andrews Katz, Seattle Gay News
"Sydney Shepherd is beguiling, endearing, and has a knock-out voice." -David Edward Hughes, Talkin’ Broadway
"Also to be listened out for is Sydney Shepherd as Jasper’s guide, Gretchen, who has a cute, peppy style even when speaking of less than peppy subject matter. This is especially good for her first song Tour Song, which wouldn’t be out of place on the Juno soundtrack with its ukulele base. The first act has few stand out songs, aside from Living Dead, where Shepherd gets to show off her lungs." -Ruth Jepson, Reviews Hub